Saturday, 9 April 2011

Oh brother, why art thou?

What's worse than your brother leaving for university? It's your brother coming back from university. From the moment you're woken at midnight by him slamming the door open from his long trip home, to him handing over the DVD you've been looking for, for two months as he tells you he 'borrowed' it without asking.

From my moans you can tell- it's the holidays and their coming back. You think for the week before, 'oh how nice I haven't seen them in ages!' Then five minutes after they open that door, your thinking how long until they'll be going back through it and counting the days.

My brother signed up and went to Leicester uni, and for those first few weeks last year (Well, two years ago to be picky), you really did feel the empty presence- who else would pig out of the fridge now he was gone? He came back the next holiday, we were happy, it was all good, and then he went again- taking my ipod adapter, two of my DVDs and half the fridge with him. We had to do a special shopping trip just to eat that night- that's how bad it was. And then there's everything in between. Last time he either wasn't there and constantly out, or when he was home was constantly pestering me to play Fight night, Halo, FIFA or whatever other xbox game he can thrash me on (Oh yes, didn't ask to 'borrow' my copy of 'Oblivion' either).

Then theres another problem that comes with a four sibling family: Dominance. There I was, second born, 1st daughter, becoming the big cheese out of us remaining three girls... Well, I'd like to say I was the dominant one after he left, but my younger sister (15) being the academically smarter one (Took GCSE triple science physics test in year nine in the same room at the same time I was retaking mine as a single science year eleven- I'm not making it up, it wasn't a great day), she and I had a mutual thing going between us being the top dogs. And then He returned. Suddenly, I'm not the one who gets the front seat anymore, not to mention how long he spends in the shower- speaking of which, men, why do you need so much deodorant on? It doesn't even smell that great. Then again, neither does sweat, but come on!

As I write this, the brother in question has patronisingly made comments about my facebook use. There's going to be a lot more patronising comments before the end- this'll be a fun Easter.

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