So I've figured if I have sixth form in the title, I better say something about sixth form. First things first- I go to a college, NOT a school with a sixth form college, and I know that for the week before going there and the day you do go is like facing death whose prodding you into the jaws of some ravaging Guinea Pig (NEVER annoy a guinea pig, especially my sister's). It's bloody terrifying. Not to mention the anxiety sickness. I had it for a week, very annoying and you can't tell if your body's just faking it. So here's some advice for those who are already terrified with the GCSE exams.
I guess the most scary thing is when no one you know is going with you- they've all decided to go to the 'better' Farnborough Sixth form in the opposite direction. I was actually lucky enough to have quite a few of my school friends going to mine- but it's still the scariest thing I've done getting onto that bus since seeing the Woman in black on stage. Like many I have a serious problem with anxiety, and college was no exception.
But here's the thing about you feeling nervous, anxious and alone: So is everyone else. The moment you step into your first class, you'll hear nothing but an awkward silence as twenty to thirty strangers either keep their eyes down or try to look around timidly or just act all cool like nothing bad is happening.
Here's my advice:
1. DO NOT do the awkward turtle as an ice breaker
2. DO NOT comment like me on how awkward this awkward silence is
3.Take advantage of this silence AND that first week.
For the first time since starting school, no one knows who you are, your faults, all the stupid things you did. It's a chance to FINALLY be someone new. Now before I sound all cheesy and inspirational, you probably ARE going to end up being just how you were before- but that's how you are. I've found many people who understand my craziness and odd ball remarks and in the past six months have become really good friends.
Another important thing to remember is that your tutors/ teachers know that your all sitting in awkward silence. You're just going to LOVE the ice breaking games they make you do in your first few hours of college. In ALL your lessons there will be some ice breaking activity as you embarrass yourself in front of complete strangers who your going to have to know for the next two years. Enjoy.
Don't be scared to talk to people during those first lessons, just introduce yourself, let them all introduce themselves, and for that first lesson as they introduce you to the topic at hand, just, you know have a little conversation on that, or small things. The whole first week, the college seems fixated on getting you to know people- if your college is as awesome as mine was, you'll even have a bonding bouncy castle in the courtyard. You WILL get to know people, allow yourself to go with the flow and don't worry if you forget their name by the next day (If your like me, you'll STILL forget names even six months later). Which comes onto the next very important thing:
(It's a Banana phone)
I'm not even kidding around here and I'm not being some typical teenager. Mobiles are your key to surviving college. Sure, keep them quiet in lessons, otherwise you know, it's just disrespectful and everyone stares at you. Anyway. Get to know people and then GET THERE NUMBERS IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE. By now you'd of met a few people, gotten closer to others and you also want to catch up on your own friends but the problem is:
Where the heck are they?
College is not small. It is made up of several large buildings, the cafeteria (Ours is called the 'ref' for future references) a bowling green/ courtyard, a library and a large field, not to mention you're allowed to go off campus into the town during your lunch breaks and frees. (That's the other AWESOME thing about sixth form- early finishes, late starts and a lot of hanging about... To begin with. Six months on your praying for another free to finish your essay in). Your mobile is not just a social thing, it's the only way you can find people. My mobile use doubled from the first day of college onwards and I haven't looked back.
Plus, you know, you wanna be social. And you never know, maybe a new friend will have a spare ticket to go see Armstrong and Miller and, while scrolling their phone book saw your name and chose you to go as well (That was an awesome evening. Miller is actually a pretty good singer and not half bad at guitar).
To sum up DON'T PANIC. It's all gonna be good. I can tell you dropping from ten subjects to four is the best thing to happen since you left school. But look out- those AS level exams are going to creep up on you. Enjoy your new found social life at college, have a ball and get wasted on the side of earning A levels (PS Drink responsibly)
PPS A very important point- no more uniform. Use this excuse to BUY A NEW WARDROBE Remember, mix and match :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! I'm going to college in September and I'm kinda freaking out- especially about making new friends since I'm pretty much a wallflower. Anywa, thanks!